Emotional Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, and Usage

Emotional: भावुक

Word Meaning in English and Hindi
English: Relating to a person’s feelings or emotions, especially those that are strong or intense.
Hindi: एक व्यक्ति की भावनाओं या एहसासों से संबंधित, खासकर वे जो मजबूत या तीव्र होते हैं।

The word “emotional” refers to anything that involves or expresses feelings like joy, sadness, anger, or fear. People who are emotional are often deeply affected by their experiences, and they tend to react strongly to situations.


S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1She gave an emotional speech that brought tears to everyone’s eyes.उसने एक भावुक भाषण दिया जिससे सभी की आँखों में आँसू आ गए।
2He was too emotional to make a rational decision.वह इतना भावुक था कि वह एक तर्कसंगत निर्णय नहीं ले पाया।
3The emotional movie made me cry.भावुक फिल्म ने मुझे रुला दिया।
4Her emotional reaction to the surprise party was unforgettable.आश्चर्य पार्टी पर उसकी भावुक प्रतिक्रिया अविस्मरणीय थी।
5His emotional outburst shocked everyone.उसका भावुक उत्तेजना सभी को चौंका दिया।
6The emotional bond between them grew stronger over time.उनके बीच का भावुक संबंध समय के साथ मजबूत हुआ।
7He is an emotional person who expresses his feelings openly.वह एक भावुक व्यक्ति है जो अपनी भावनाओं को खुले तौर पर व्यक्त करता है।
8The emotional scene in the movie was very touching.फिल्म का भावुक दृश्य बहुत भावनात्मक था।
9She was too emotional to speak clearly.वह इतनी भावुक थी कि स्पष्ट रूप से बोल नहीं पा रही थी।
10His emotional support was crucial during difficult times.कठिन समय में उनका भावुक समर्थन बहुत महत्वपूर्ण था।

More Info About the Word
Pronunciation in Hindi: इमोशनल
Word Type: Adjective
Synonyms: Sensitive, Sentimental, Passionate
Antonyms: Rational, Logical, Unemotional

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