Eight: आठ
Word Meaning in English and Hindi
English: “Eight” is a number that comes after seven and before nine.
Hindi: “आठ” एक संख्या है जो सात के बाद और नौ के पहले आती है।
The word “Eight” represents a number in the number system. It is commonly used in counting and daily life. The number eight holds significance in various cultures and contexts, such as being a lucky number in some cultures.
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | There are eight apples in the basket. | टोकरी में आठ सेब हैं। |
2 | She will arrive at eight o’clock. | वह आठ बजे पहुंचेगी। |
3 | I have eight books on my desk. | मेरी मेज पर आठ किताबें हैं। |
4 | The child counted to eight. | बच्चे ने आठ तक गिना। |
5 | The concert will begin at eight PM. | संगीत कार्यक्रम रात आठ बजे शुरू होगा। |
6 | We need eight chairs for the meeting. | हमें बैठक के लिए आठ कुर्सियाँ चाहिए। |
7 | There are eight days left in the month. | महीने में आठ दिन बाकी हैं। |
8 | The number eight is considered lucky in Chinese culture. | चीनी संस्कृति में संख्या आठ को शुभ माना जाता है। |
9 | He scored eight goals in the match. | उसने मैच में आठ गोल किए। |
10 | The box contains eight different colors. | डिब्बे में आठ अलग-अलग रंग हैं। |
More Info About the Word
- Pronunciation in Hindi: एट (Eight)
- Word Type: Noun
- Synonyms: None (As it’s a specific number)
- Antonyms: None (As it’s a specific number)
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