Approximately Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, and Usage

Approximately: लगभग (Lagbhag)

Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Short)

  • English: Close to a particular number, amount, or time but not exactly.
  • Hindi: किसी विशेष संख्या, राशि, या समय के पास लेकिन बिल्कुल नहीं।

The word “approximately” is used when something is close to or near an exact number, time, or amount but is not completely accurate. It expresses an estimate or rough value, giving an idea of how close something is without being exact.

10 Examples of “Approximately” (English to Hindi)

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1The meeting will start approximately at 10 AM.बैठक लगभग 10 बजे शुरू होगी।
2The cost of the project is approximately $5000.प्रोजेक्ट की लागत लगभग $5000 है।
3There are approximately 200 people in the hall.हॉल में लगभग 200 लोग हैं।
4It will take approximately 3 hours to complete the task.कार्य को पूरा करने में लगभग 3 घंटे लगेंगे।
5Approximately 50% of the students passed the exam.लगभग 50% छात्रों ने परीक्षा पास की।
6The distance between the two cities is approximately 100 kilometers.दो शहरों के बीच की दूरी लगभग 100 किलोमीटर है।
7The population of the country is approximately 1.3 billion.देश की जनसंख्या लगभग 1.3 बिलियन है।
8The temperature is approximately 30°C today.आज तापमान लगभग 30°C है।
9The project will be completed approximately by the end of the month.परियोजना लगभग महीने के अंत तक पूरी हो जाएगी।
10The event will last approximately 2 hours.यह कार्यक्रम लगभग 2 घंटे चलेगा।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation in Hindi: अप्रॉक्सिमेटली (Approximately)
  • Word Type: Adverb
  • Synonyms: Roughly, Around, About, Nearly, Close to
  • Antonyms: Exactly, Precisely, Accurately
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