Child Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, Synonyms, and Antonyms

Child: बच्चा

Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Short)

  • English: A child is a young human who is not yet an adult.
  • Hindi: बच्चा वह छोटा इंसान होता है जो अभी वयस्क नहीं हुआ होता है।

The word “child” refers to a young human being who is still in the early stages of life and has not yet reached adulthood. A child generally refers to someone under the age of 18, though the specific age range can vary based on context. Children are typically dependent on their parents or caregivers for care and support.

10 Examples of “Child” (English to Hindi)

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1The child is playing in the garden.बच्चा बगिया में खेल रहा है।
2She has two children, a son and a daughter.उसके दो बच्चे हैं, एक बेटा और एक बेटी।
3The child cried when he lost his toy.बच्चा तब रोने लगा जब वह अपना खिलौना खो बैठा।
4Children love to play games and have fun.बच्चे खेल खेलना और मस्ती करना पसंद करते हैं।
5The teacher was very kind to the children in her class.अध्यापिका अपनी कक्षा के बच्चों के प्रति बहुत दयालु थीं।
6The child asked his parents for a new bicycle.बच्चे ने अपने माता-पिता से नई साइकिल मांगी।
7She has a beautiful child who is very intelligent.उसकी एक सुंदर बच्ची है जो बहुत बुद्धिमान है।
8The child is learning how to read and write.बच्चा पढ़ना और लिखना सीख रहा है।
9A child needs love and care from their parents.एक बच्चे को अपने माता-पिता से प्यार और देखभाल की आवश्यकता होती है।
10The child smiled when he saw the puppy.बच्चे ने पपी को देखकर मुस्कराया।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation: चाइल्ड (Child)
  • Word Type: Noun
  • Synonyms: Kid, Youngster, Juvenile, Minor, Infant
  • Antonyms: Adult, Grown-up, Senior, Elder
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