Depressed: निराश
Word Meaning in English and Hindi
- English: Depressed means feeling sad, down, or having low spirits. It can also refer to a state of being in a low mood or a mental health condition where someone feels hopeless and overwhelmed.
- Hindi: निराश का मतलब दुखी, उदास या मानसिक स्थिति में होना है, जहां कोई व्यक्ति निराश और अभिभूत महसूस करता है।
The word “depressed” refers to a state where a person feels extremely sad, hopeless, or low. It can be due to emotional, mental, or physical challenges, or even a medical condition. When someone is depressed, they may lose interest in activities they once enjoyed and may struggle to feel motivated or positive.
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | He felt depressed after hearing the bad news. | उसे बुरी खबर सुनकर निराश महसूस हुआ। |
2 | She is going through a depressed phase in her life. | वह अपने जीवन के एक निराशाजनक दौर से गुजर रही है। |
3 | The weather made me feel depressed today. | आज मौसम ने मुझे निराश महसूस कराया। |
4 | He was feeling depressed because of his failures. | वह अपनी असफलताओं के कारण निराश महसूस कर रहा था। |
5 | After losing the match, the team was depressed. | मैच हारने के बाद टीम निराश हो गई थी। |
6 | He is depressed and needs professional help. | वह निराश है और उसे पेशेवर मदद की आवश्यकता है। |
7 | The thought of the difficult task made her feel depressed. | कठिन कार्य के बारे में सोचकर उसे निराश महसूस हुआ। |
8 | Depression is a serious mental health condition. | अवसाद एक गंभीर मानसिक स्वास्थ्य स्थिति है। |
9 | His friends noticed that he was depressed and tried to cheer him up. | उसके दोस्तों ने देखा कि वह निराश था और उन्होंने उसे खुश करने की कोशिश की। |
10 | Feeling depressed for a long time may need medical attention. | लंबे समय तक निराश महसूस करना चिकित्सा ध्यान की आवश्यकता हो सकती है। |
More Info About the Word
- Pronunciation: डिप्रेस्ड (De-prest)
- Word Type: Adjective
- Synonyms: Sad, Downcast, Low, Blue, Miserable
- Antonyms: Happy, Cheerful, Upbeat, Joyful, Excited
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