Commonly: सामान्यतया
Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Very Short)
English: Frequently or usually; in a manner that is usual or habitual.
Hindi: सामान्य रूप से, प्रायः; ऐसा ढंग जो सामान्य या आदत हो।
“Commonly” is an adverb that means something that happens regularly or is usual in a particular situation. It indicates something that occurs often or is typical. For example, “Commonly, people wake up early,” means waking up early is a usual or frequent behavior.
10 Examples of “Commonly” (English to Hindi)
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | Commonly, people enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning. | सामान्यतया, लोग सुबह में एक कप कॉफी पसंद करते हैं। |
2 | This word is commonly used in formal writing. | यह शब्द सामान्यतया औपचारिक लेखन में इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। |
3 | Commonly, students are given assignments after every class. | सामान्यतया, छात्रों को हर कक्षा के बाद असाइनमेंट दिए जाते हैं। |
4 | Commonly, it rains in this region during the summer. | सामान्यतया, इस क्षेत्र में गर्मियों के दौरान बारिश होती है। |
5 | People commonly prefer fast food due to convenience. | लोग सामान्यतया सुविधा के कारण फास्ट फूड पसंद करते हैं। |
6 | Commonly, the meeting takes place on Mondays. | सामान्यतया, बैठक सोमवार को होती है। |
7 | Commonly, she travels to work by train. | सामान्यतया, वह ट्रेन से काम पर जाती है। |
8 | Commonly, pets are treated like family members. | सामान्यतया, पालतू जानवरों को परिवार के सदस्य जैसा माना जाता है। |
9 | Commonly, people go to the gym for fitness. | सामान्यतया, लोग फिटनेस के लिए जिम जाते हैं। |
10 | This problem is commonly seen in older devices. | यह समस्या सामान्यतया पुराने उपकरणों में देखी जाती है। |
More Info About the Word
- Pronunciation: कॉमॉनली (Commonly)
- Word Type: Adverb
- Synonyms: Usually, Frequently, Regularly, Habitually
- Antonyms: Rarely, Seldom, Unusually
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