Word Meaning in English and Hindi
- English: To leave someone or something completely, usually with no intention of returning.
- Hindi: त्याग देना, छोड़ देना
The word “Abandon” refers to the act of leaving something or someone behind without care, typically without intending to come back or fulfill an obligation. It can refer to a variety of situations where a person gives up or forsakes a responsibility, task, or place.
Examples of “Abandon” (English to Hindi)
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | She abandoned her career to follow her passion. | उसने अपने करियर को त्याग दिया और अपनी पसंद का पालन किया। |
2 | He abandoned the idea of going abroad for studies. | उसने विदेश में पढ़ाई करने का विचार छोड़ दिया। |
3 | They abandoned the ship after it started sinking. | जब जहाज डूबने लगा, तो उन्होंने उसे छोड़ दिया। |
4 | The dog was abandoned by its owner. | कुत्ते को उसके मालिक ने छोड़ दिया। |
5 | The team abandoned their plans due to the weather. | मौसम के कारण टीम ने अपनी योजनाएँ छोड़ दीं। |
6 | She abandoned her hopes of winning the competition. | उसने प्रतियोगिता जीतने की उम्मीद छोड़ दी। |
7 | They abandoned their old house when it became unsafe. | जब पुराना घर असुरक्षित हो गया, तो उन्होंने उसे छोड़ दिया। |
8 | He abandoned his old lifestyle for a healthier one. | उसने एक स्वस्थ जीवनशैली अपनाने के लिए अपनी पुरानी आदतें छोड़ दीं। |
9 | The explorers abandoned the journey after facing a storm. | तूफान का सामना करने के बाद अन्वेषकों ने यात्रा छोड़ दी। |
10 | She felt abandoned when no one supported her. | जब कोई भी उसका समर्थन नहीं करता था, तो उसे त्यागा हुआ महसूस हुआ। |
More Info About the Word
- Pronunciation in Hindi: अबैनडन
- Word Type: Verb
- Synonyms: Desert, Forsake, Relinquish, Surrender, Renounce
- Antonyms: Keep, Retain, Cherish, Adopt, Maintain