Applause Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, and Usage

Applause: तालियाँ (Taliyan), सराहना (Sarahana)

Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Short)

  • English: The act of clapping hands to show approval, appreciation, or praise.
  • Hindi: ताली बजाकर या सराहना व्यक्त करके किसी की प्रशंसा करना।

“Applause” is the clapping of hands to express appreciation or approval, often given after a performance, speech, or achievement. It is a way of showing admiration and acknowledging someone’s effort or success.

10 Examples of “Applause” (English to Hindi)

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1The audience gave a standing ovation and loud applause.दर्शकों ने खड़े होकर जोरदार ताली बजाई।
2The applause was deafening after the performance.प्रदर्शन के बाद तालियाँ गूंज रही थीं।
3She received applause for her exceptional work.उसे उसके असाधारण काम के लिए तालियाँ मिलीं।
4There was a round of applause at the end of the speech.भाषण के अंत में तालियों की गड़गड़ाहट सुनाई दी।
5Applause filled the room as the winner was announced.विजेता की घोषणा होते ही कमरे में तालियाँ गूंज उठीं।
6The applause continued for several minutes.तालियाँ कई मिनटों तक चलती रहीं।
7The crowd’s applause showed their admiration.भीड़ की तालियों से उनकी सराहना जाहिर हुई।
8He earned applause for his bravery in the face of danger.उसने खतरे के सामने बहादुरी दिखाकर तालियाँ बटोरी।
9Applause erupted after the singer finished the song.गायक के गाने के बाद तालियाँ फूट पड़ीं।
10She was greeted with applause as she took the stage.जब वह मंच पर आई, तो तालियों से उनका स्वागत हुआ।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation in Hindi: एप्प्लॉज़ (Applause)
  • Word Type: Noun
  • Synonyms: Cheers, Ovation, Approval, Commendation, Acclaim
  • Antonyms: Booing, Disapproval, Criticism, Rejection
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