Assert: प्रमाणित करना (Pramanit Karna)
Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Short)
English: “Assert” means to state or declare something confidently and forcefully. It also refers to the act of claiming something with assurance.
Hindi: “Assert” का अर्थ है किसी बात को आत्मविश्वास और मजबूती से कहना या घोषित करना।
To “assert” means to express an idea or belief firmly and with confidence. It’s used when someone states their opinion or belief strongly, without being uncertain. For example, if you assert your rights, you are standing up for them clearly and forcefully. The word is often used in situations where it’s important to be clear about your stance or to make your presence or position known.
10 Examples of “Assert” (English to Hindi)
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | She asserted her authority in the meeting. | उसने बैठक में अपनी सत्ता को प्रमाणित किया। |
2 | He asserted that he had never been involved in the project. | उसने यह प्रमाणित किया कि वह कभी इस परियोजना में शामिल नहीं था। |
3 | You need to assert yourself in negotiations. | आपको वार्तालाप में अपने आप को प्रमाणित करना होगा। |
4 | The lawyer asserted the innocence of his client. | वकील ने अपने मुवक्किल की निर्दोषता को प्रमाणित किया। |
5 | He asserted his position as the leader of the team. | उसने अपनी स्थिति को टीम के नेता के रूप में प्रमाणित किया। |
6 | They assert their rights to a fair trial. | वे निष्पक्ष मुकदमे के अपने अधिकारों को प्रमाणित करते हैं। |
7 | She asserted that the project was completed on time. | उसने प्रमाणित किया कि परियोजना समय पर पूरी हुई थी। |
8 | The student asserted his opinion during the class discussion. | छात्र ने कक्षा चर्चा के दौरान अपनी राय को प्रमाणित किया। |
9 | The company asserted its dominance in the market. | कंपनी ने बाजार में अपनी श्रेष्ठता को प्रमाणित किया। |
10 | He asserted that he would win the competition. | उसने प्रमाणित किया कि वह प्रतियोगिता जीत जाएगा। |
More Info About the Word
Pronunciation in Hindi: असर्ट (Assert)
Word Type: Verb
Synonyms: Declare, Affirm, Maintain, Insist, State
Antonyms: Deny, Reject, Negate, Dispute