Assignment: कार्य (Karya)
Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Short)
English: An assignment refers to a specific task or duty given to someone, usually in a work, academic, or professional setting. It can also refer to a task or a project that has been delegated to a person.
Hindi: कार्य वह विशेष कार्य या जिम्मेदारी है जो किसी व्यक्ति को सौंपा जाता है, यह आमतौर पर कार्य, शैक्षिक, या पेशेवर संदर्भ में होता है।
An assignment refers to a task or duty that is given to someone, often within the context of work or education. It can be a project, homework, or a task that needs to be completed by a specific deadline. The word is commonly used in schools, colleges, and workplaces to define work that has been given to someone as a responsibility. It helps in ensuring accountability and promotes productivity and learning.
10 Examples of “Assignment” (English to Hindi)
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | The teacher gave us a difficult assignment. | शिक्षक ने हमें एक कठिन कार्य सौंपा। |
2 | I need to complete my assignment before the deadline. | मुझे अपने कार्य को समय सीमा से पहले पूरा करना है। |
3 | The assignment was due yesterday. | कार्य कल समाप्त होने था। |
4 | He submitted his assignment late. | उसने अपना कार्य देर से प्रस्तुत किया। |
5 | The company has given me an important assignment. | कंपनी ने मुझे एक महत्वपूर्ण कार्य सौंपा है। |
6 | We have a group assignment for this semester. | इस सेमेस्टर में हमारे पास एक समूह कार्य है। |
7 | The assignment includes a report and a presentation. | कार्य में एक रिपोर्ट और एक प्रस्तुति शामिल है। |
8 | She finished her assignment quickly. | उसने अपना कार्य जल्दी समाप्त किया। |
9 | I was assigned a new task for the upcoming project. | मुझे आगामी परियोजना के लिए एक नया कार्य सौंपा गया था। |
10 | The manager reviewed the assignment before submission. | प्रबंधक ने प्रस्तुत करने से पहले कार्य की समीक्षा की। |
More Info About the Word
Pronunciation in Hindi: assignment (असाइनमेंट)
Word Type: Noun
Synonyms: Task, Duty, Job, Responsibility, Project
Antonyms: Free time, Inactivity, Unassigned, Omission, Neglect