Author: लेखक (Author)
Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Short)
English: An author is a person who creates and writes books, articles, or other written works.
Hindi: लेखक वह व्यक्ति होता है जो किताबें, लेख या अन्य लिखित काम लिखता है।
An author is someone who writes content for books, articles, poems, scripts, or any form of literature. They are responsible for the creation and development of the written work, whether it is fiction, non-fiction, or academic. The author’s creativity, research, and storytelling shape the writing into its final form.
10 Examples of “Author” (English to Hindi)
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | The author of the novel is a renowned writer. | उपन्यास के लेखक एक प्रसिद्ध लेखक हैं। |
2 | She is an author of several best-selling books. | वह कई बेस्ट-सेलिंग किताबों की लेखक हैं। |
3 | The author’s style of writing is very unique. | लेखक की लेखन शैली बहुत अद्वितीय है। |
4 | He became a famous author after publishing his first book. | उसने अपनी पहली किताब प्रकाशित करने के बाद प्रसिद्ध लेखक बन गए। |
5 | The author gave an interview about her new book. | लेखक ने अपनी नई किताब के बारे में एक साक्षात्कार दिया। |
6 | An author often spends years working on a single book. | एक लेखक अक्सर एक ही किताब पर सालों काम करता है। |
7 | The author’s biography was published after his death. | लेखक की जीवनी उनकी मृत्यु के बाद प्रकाशित हुई। |
8 | She is considered a great author in the world of literature. | उन्हें साहित्य की दुनिया में एक महान लेखक माना जाता है। |
9 | The author wrote a beautiful poem for the occasion. | लेखक ने इस अवसर के लिए एक सुंदर कविता लिखी। |
10 | The author shared his thoughts in a public seminar. | लेखक ने एक सार्वजनिक सेमिनार में अपने विचार साझा किए। |
More Info About the Word
Pronunciation in Hindi: ऑथर (Author)
Word Type: Noun
Synonyms: Writer, creator, novelist, storyteller, essayist, playwright
Antonyms: Reader, audience, follower