Below: नीचे (Neeche)
Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Short)
- English: At a lower level or position; under something.
- Hindi: किसी चीज़ के नीचे; कम स्तर पर।
“Below” is used to describe something that is situated lower than a reference point. It refers to the position of something in relation to something else, often indicating a position that is physically or metaphorically lower.
10 Examples of “Below” (English to Hindi)
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | The book is placed below the table. | किताब मेज़ के नीचे रखी है। |
2 | The temperature is below freezing. | तापमान जमने से नीचे है। |
3 | The answer is below the question. | उत्तर प्रश्न के नीचे है। |
4 | The kids are playing below the tree. | बच्चे पेड़ के नीचे खेल रहे हैं। |
5 | Please see the details below. | कृपया नीचे विवरण देखें। |
6 | The parking lot is located below the building. | पार्किंग लॉट इमारत के नीचे स्थित है। |
7 | He lives in the apartment below mine. | वह मेरे नीचे वाले अपार्टमेंट में रहता है। |
8 | The sea level is below 1000 meters. | समुद्र स्तर 1000 मीटर से नीचे है। |
9 | The cat is hiding below the bed. | बिल्ली बिस्तर के नीचे छुपी है। |
10 | The water level is below the normal level. | जल स्तर सामान्य स्तर से नीचे है। |
More Info About the Word
- Pronunciation in Hindi: बिलो (Bilo)
- Word Type: Preposition, Adjective, Adverb
- Synonyms: Under, Beneath, Lower
- Antonyms: Above, Over, Higher
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