Boil Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, and Usage

Boil: उबालना (Ubalna)

Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Short)

  • English: To heat a liquid until it reaches a temperature where it bubbles and turns to vapor.
  • Hindi: किसी तरल को गर्म करना जब तक कि वह बुलबुले बनाकर भाप में न बदल जाए।

The word “boil” refers to the process of heating a liquid until it reaches a high temperature where it starts bubbling vigorously and produces steam. It is also used metaphorically to describe intense emotions or situations. Boiling is a common process in cooking and science.

10 Examples of “Boil” (English to Hindi)

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1Boil the water for tea.चाय के लिए पानी उबालें।
2The milk will boil over if not watched.अगर ध्यान न दिया जाए तो दूध उफन जाएगा।
3Please boil the eggs for breakfast.नाश्ते के लिए अंडे उबालें।
4The pot started to boil after five minutes.पांच मिनट के बाद बर्तन उबलने लगा।
5He let his anger boil over during the argument.बहस के दौरान उसका गुस्सा उफान पर आ गया।
6Boil the soup to make it thicker.सूप को गाढ़ा बनाने के लिए इसे उबालें।
7The scientist boiled the liquid for the experiment.वैज्ञानिक ने प्रयोग के लिए तरल को उबाला।
8Let the water boil before adding the pasta.पास्ता डालने से पहले पानी को उबलने दें।
9Her emotions boiled inside her but she stayed calm.उसकी भावनाएँ भीतर ही उबल रही थीं, लेकिन वह शांत रही।
10You should boil drinking water to kill germs.पीने के पानी को उबालें ताकि कीटाणु मर जाएं।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation: बॉइल (Boil)
  • Word Type: Verb
  • Synonyms: Simmer, Bubble, Heat, Steam
  • Antonyms: Freeze, Chill, Cool
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