Casual Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, Synonyms, and Antonyms

Casual: आकस्मिक

Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Short)

  • English: Casual refers to something that is relaxed, informal, or done without much thought or preparation.
  • Hindi: Casual का अर्थ है कुछ ऐसा जो आरामदायक, अनौपचारिक, या बिना ज्यादा सोच-समझ के किया गया हो।

“Casual” is often used to describe clothing, events, or behaviors that are relaxed and informal. It can also refer to something that happens without planning or is done in a laid-back manner. For example, casual clothing is comfortable and worn in informal settings, and a casual meeting is one that doesn’t require formalities.

10 Examples of “Casual” (English to Hindi)

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1She wore a casual dress to the party.उसने पार्टी में एक आरामदायक ड्रेस पहनी।
2The meeting was very casual and relaxed.बैठक बहुत आरामदायक और बिना औपचारिक थी।
3He has a casual attitude towards work.उसका काम के प्रति बहुत ही आकस्मिक दृष्टिकोण है।
4I prefer casual shoes for daily wear.मैं रोज़ाना पहनने के लिए आरामदायक जूते पसंद करता हूँ।
5The casual conversation made everyone feel at ease.आरामदायक बातचीत ने सभी को सहज बना दिया।
6They had a casual lunch at the park.उन्होंने पार्क में आराम से लंच किया।
7His casual demeanor made him approachable.उसकी आकस्मिक व्यवहार ने उसे सुलभ बना दिया।
8She likes to dress casually on weekends.उसे वीकेंड्स पर आराम से कपड़े पहनना पसंद है।
9They were just having a casual chat at the café.वे कैफे में बस एक आकस्मिक बातचीत कर रहे थे।
10The casual wear collection is now available in stores.आरामदायक वस्त्र संग्रह अब दुकानों में उपलब्ध है।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation: कैज़ुअल (Casual)
  • Word Type: Adjective
  • Synonyms: Relaxed, Informal, Unplanned, Easygoing
  • Antonyms: Formal, Rigid, Strict

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