Cool: ठंडा
Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Very Short)
- English: Having a low temperature or being calm and relaxed.
- Hindi: कम तापमान होना या शांत और आरामदायक होना।
“Cool” is commonly used to describe something that is cold in temperature, like a cool drink on a hot day. It can also refer to someone who is calm, relaxed, and not easily stressed. “Cool” is a versatile word that can describe the temperature or a person’s demeanor, style, or attitude.
10 Examples of “Cool” (English to Hindi)
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | The breeze is cool today. | आज हवा ठंडी है। |
2 | He is always cool under pressure. | वह हमेशा दबाव में शांत रहता है। |
3 | I need a cool drink after this workout. | इस कसरत के बाद मुझे एक ठंडा पेय चाहिए। |
4 | The evening air was cool and refreshing. | शाम की हवा ठंडी और ताजगी से भरपूर थी। |
5 | She has a cool personality. | उसकी शख्सियत बहुत शांत और आकर्षक है। |
6 | The water in the lake was cool. | झील का पानी ठंडा था। |
7 | He always has a cool attitude towards problems. | वह हमेशा समस्याओं के प्रति शांत रवैया रखता है। |
8 | This fan makes the room cool. | यह पंखा कमरे को ठंडा करता है। |
9 | I like to wear cool clothes in the summer. | मुझे गर्मियों में ठंडे कपड़े पहनना पसंद है। |
10 | The night was cool after the rain. | बारिश के बाद रात ठंडी थी। |
More Info About the Word
- Pronunciation: कूल
- Word Type: Adjective
- Synonyms: Chill, Refreshing, Calm
- Antonyms: Hot, Warm, Excited
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