Cool Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, and Usage

Cool: ठंडा

Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Very Short)

  • English: Having a low temperature or being calm and relaxed.
  • Hindi: कम तापमान होना या शांत और आरामदायक होना।

“Cool” is commonly used to describe something that is cold in temperature, like a cool drink on a hot day. It can also refer to someone who is calm, relaxed, and not easily stressed. “Cool” is a versatile word that can describe the temperature or a person’s demeanor, style, or attitude.

10 Examples of “Cool” (English to Hindi)

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1The breeze is cool today.आज हवा ठंडी है।
2He is always cool under pressure.वह हमेशा दबाव में शांत रहता है।
3I need a cool drink after this workout.इस कसरत के बाद मुझे एक ठंडा पेय चाहिए।
4The evening air was cool and refreshing.शाम की हवा ठंडी और ताजगी से भरपूर थी।
5She has a cool personality.उसकी शख्सियत बहुत शांत और आकर्षक है।
6The water in the lake was cool.झील का पानी ठंडा था।
7He always has a cool attitude towards problems.वह हमेशा समस्याओं के प्रति शांत रवैया रखता है।
8This fan makes the room cool.यह पंखा कमरे को ठंडा करता है।
9I like to wear cool clothes in the summer.मुझे गर्मियों में ठंडे कपड़े पहनना पसंद है।
10The night was cool after the rain.बारिश के बाद रात ठंडी थी।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation: कूल
  • Word Type: Adjective
  • Synonyms: Chill, Refreshing, Calm
  • Antonyms: Hot, Warm, Excited
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