Disappointed Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, and Usage

Disappointed: निराश

Word Meaning in English and Hindi

  • English: Disappointed means feeling sad or upset because something did not happen as expected.
  • Hindi: निराश का मतलब है जब कुछ उम्मीद के अनुसार नहीं होता है और मन दुखी होता है।

“Disappointed” is an adjective that describes the feeling of unhappiness or dissatisfaction when something does not meet one’s expectations. It is often used when things don’t go as planned or hoped for.

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1She was disappointed with the result of the exam.वह परीक्षा के परिणाम से निराश थी।
2He felt disappointed after not getting the job.नौकरी नहीं मिलने के बाद वह निराश महसूस कर रहा था।
3We were disappointed by the cancellation of the event.घटना के रद्द होने से हम निराश थे।
4The team was disappointed after losing the final match.फाइनल मैच हारने के बाद टीम निराश थी।
5I am disappointed that you didn’t attend the meeting.मुझे निराशा हुई कि आप मीटिंग में नहीं आए।
6She felt disappointed with her performance in the competition.प्रतियोगिता में अपनी प्रदर्शन से वह निराश महसूस कर रही थी।
7They were disappointed by the weather during the trip.यात्रा के दौरान मौसम से वे निराश थे।
8I am disappointed in myself for making that mistake.उस गलती को करने के लिए मुझे खुद पर निराशा हो रही है।
9The fans were disappointed when their favorite player was injured.प्रशंसक निराश हो गए जब उनके पसंदीदा खिलाड़ी को चोट लगी।
10We were disappointed that the restaurant was closed.हमें निराशा हुई कि रेस्टोरेंट बंद था।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation: डिसएपॉइंटेड (Dis-apointed)
  • Word Type: Adjective (विशेषण)
  • Synonyms: Disheartened, Depressed, Dismayed, Downhearted, Unhappy
  • Antonyms: Satisfied, Pleased, Content, Happy, Fulfilled
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