Drink: पेय, जो पीने के लिए होता है
Word Meaning in English and Hindi
English: A drink is any liquid that is consumed, typically to satisfy thirst or as a refreshment.
Hindi: ड्रिंक वह तरल पदार्थ होता है जो प्यास बुझाने या ताजगी के लिए पिया जाता है।
The word “drink” generally refers to any liquid that can be consumed, like water, juice, milk, tea, or soft drinks. It is often used in daily life to maintain hydration or for enjoyment. Drinks can vary from simple water to more complex beverages like cocktails or health drinks.
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | I drink water every morning. | मैं हर सुबह पानी पीता हूँ। |
2 | Would you like to drink some juice? | क्या आप कुछ जूस पीना चाहेंगे? |
3 | She loves to drink coffee in the morning. | उसे सुबह में कॉफी पीना बहुत पसंद है। |
4 | He drank the entire glass of milk. | उसने पूरा गिलास दूध पी लिया। |
5 | We should drink more water to stay healthy. | हमें स्वस्थ रहने के लिए ज्यादा पानी पीना चाहिए। |
6 | I need to drink something cold. | मुझे कुछ ठंडा पीने की जरूरत है। |
7 | They were drinking soda at the party. | वे पार्टी में सोडा पी रहे थे। |
8 | Drink plenty of fluids during the hot summer. | गरम गर्मियों में अधिक तरल पदार्थ पिएं। |
9 | She drank tea while reading a book. | वह किताब पढ़ते हुए चाय पी रही थी। |
10 | Do you want to drink something with me? | क्या तुम मेरे साथ कुछ पीना चाहोगे? |
More Info About the Word
- Pronunciation in Hindi: ड्रिंक
- Word Type: Noun, Verb
- Synonyms: Beverage, Liquid, Refreshment, Potion
- Antonyms: Food, Solid, Solidify
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