Forever: हमेशा
Word Meaning in English and Hindi
- English: “Forever” means for all time, without end.
- Hindi: “हमेशा” का मतलब है समय के लिए, बिना अंत के।
“Forever” is used to describe something that lasts or continues indefinitely, without any interruption or end. It often refers to a long-lasting or eternal state, like love or memories that last for a lifetime.
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | They promised to love each other forever. | उन्होंने एक-दूसरे से हमेशा प्यार करने का वादा किया। |
2 | The memories of my childhood will stay forever. | मेरे बचपन की यादें हमेशा रहेंगी। |
3 | The mountain stood tall forever. | पहाड़ हमेशा ऊँचा खड़ा रहा। |
4 | She will be remembered forever. | उसे हमेशा याद किया जाएगा। |
5 | The friendship between them lasted forever. | उनके बीच की दोस्ती हमेशा बनी रही। |
6 | This book will remain a classic forever. | यह किताब हमेशा एक क्लासिक बनी रहेगी। |
7 | His love for her was forever. | उसका प्यार उसके लिए हमेशा था। |
8 | The sun will shine forever. | सूरज हमेशा चमकता रहेगा। |
9 | They promised to be together forever. | उन्होंने हमेशा एक साथ रहने का वादा किया। |
10 | The bond between them was forever strong. | उनके बीच का बंधन हमेशा मजबूत था। |
More Info About the Word
- Pronunciation: फॉरएवर
- Word Type: Adverb
- Synonyms: Eternally, Always, Everlastingly
- Antonyms: Temporarily, Briefly, Momentarily
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