Battleship Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, and Usage

Battleship: युद्धपोत (Yudhpot)

Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Short)

English: A battleship is a large, heavily armored warship equipped with powerful guns and used primarily in naval warfare.
Hindi: युद्धपोत एक बड़ा और मजबूत युद्ध जहाज है, जिसे समुद्री युद्ध में उपयोग किया जाता है और इसमें शक्तिशाली तोपें होती हैं।

A battleship is a type of warship that is heavily armored and carries large-caliber guns. Historically, battleships were the dominant force in naval warfare, especially in the early 20th century. They are designed to fight other large ships and provide artillery support to land forces during military operations.

10 Examples of “Battleship” (English to Hindi)

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1The battleship sailed across the ocean.युद्धपोत महासागर के पार चला गया।
2The navy deployed its battleships during the conflict.नौसेना ने संघर्ष के दौरान अपने युद्धपोतों को तैनात किया।
3The battleship was armed with powerful cannons.युद्धपोत में शक्तिशाली तोपें लगी थीं।
4He admired the battleship’s design.उसे युद्धपोत का डिज़ाइन बहुत पसंद आया।
5The battleship led the fleet into battle.युद्धपोत ने बेड़े का नेतृत्व युद्ध में किया।
6The battleship was part of the naval fleet.युद्धपोत नौसैनिक बेड़े का हिस्सा था।
7They built a replica of the famous battleship.उन्होंने प्रसिद्ध युद्धपोत की एक प्रतिकृति बनाई।
8The battleship fired its guns at the enemy ship.युद्धपोत ने दुश्मन जहाज पर तोपों का निशाना साधा।
9The battleship was stationed near the shore.युद्धपोत तट के पास तैनात था।
10The battleship sank after a fierce attack.एक भीषण हमले के बाद युद्धपोत डूब गया।

More Info About the Word

Pronunciation in Hindi: युद्धपोत (Yudhpot)
Word Type: Noun

  • Warship, Cruiser, Naval ship, Armed vessel


  • Cargo ship, Civilian ship, Merchant vessel
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