Fortunately Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples & Usage

Fortunately: सौभाग्यवश

Word Meaning in English and Hindi

  • English: Fortunately means something happening in a lucky or favorable way.
  • Hindi: “Fortunately” का अर्थ है कुछ ऐसा होना जो सौभाग्यवश या शुभ तरीके से हो।

Fortunately refers to the occurrence of events that are lucky, beneficial, or happen in a positive way.


S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1Fortunately, I found my lost keys.सौभाग्यवश, मुझे मेरी खोई हुई चाबियाँ मिल गईं।
2Fortunately, the rain stopped before the event.सौभाग्यवश, बारिश घटना से पहले रुक गई।
3Fortunately, he recovered quickly from the illness.सौभाग्यवश, वह बीमारी से जल्दी ठीक हो गया।
4Fortunately, we arrived just in time for the meeting.सौभाग्यवश, हम बैठक के लिए ठीक समय पर पहुँच गए।
5Fortunately, they found a solution to the problem.सौभाग्यवश, उन्हें समस्या का हल मिल गया।
6Fortunately, no one was hurt in the accident.सौभाग्यवश, दुर्घटना में कोई घायल नहीं हुआ।
7Fortunately, I had the right tools for the job.सौभाग्यवश, मेरे पास काम के लिए सही उपकरण थे।
8Fortunately, she was able to attend the interview.सौभाग्यवश, वह साक्षात्कार में शामिल हो सकी।
9Fortunately, the weather was perfect for the picnic.सौभाग्यवश, मौसम पिकनिक के लिए आदर्श था।
10Fortunately, we have an excellent team to handle this task.सौभाग्यवश, हमारे पास इस कार्य को संभालने के लिए एक बेहतरीन टीम है।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation: फॉर्च्युनटली
  • Word Type: Adverb
  • Synonyms: Luckily, Fortunately, By chance, Providentially
  • Antonyms: Unfortunately, Sadly, Unluckily
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