Ages: आयु (Refers to the plural form of “age,” signifying a period of time during which a person or thing has lived or existed.)
Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Short)
English: “Ages” refers to the multiple periods of time a person or object has experienced.
Hindi: “आयु” का मतलब है समय की वह अवधि, जिसके दौरान कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु जीवित या अस्तित्व में रही हो।
“Ages” is the plural form of the word “age,” which refers to the duration of time something or someone has existed. It is often used to describe long periods of time or stages in someone’s life. For example, you may hear someone say, “It has been ages since we last met,” indicating a long duration. “Ages” is also commonly used to discuss historical periods, stages in life, or how long it has been since an event took place.
10 Examples of “Ages” (English to Hindi)
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | She has been working here for ages. | वह यहाँ कई सालों से काम कर रही है। |
2 | It has been ages since we last saw each other. | हम एक-दूसरे से मिले हुए कई साल हो गए हैं। |
3 | The building is centuries old; it has survived through the ages. | यह इमारत सदियों पुरानी है; यह सदियों से जीवित रही है। |
4 | He has been studying for ages and still hasn’t completed his homework. | वह कई घंटों से पढ़ाई कर रहा है और फिर भी अपना होमवर्क पूरा नहीं किया है। |
5 | The city has witnessed great changes over the ages. | शहर ने कई वर्षों में बड़े बदलाव देखे हैं। |
6 | Over the ages, many civilizations have risen and fallen. | सदियों में, कई सभ्यताएं उठी और गिरी हैं। |
7 | We have known each other for ages, but never had a chance to talk. | हम एक-दूसरे को सालों से जानते हैं, लेकिन कभी बात करने का मौका नहीं मिला। |
8 | The art form has evolved over the ages. | यह कला रूप सदियों में विकसित हुआ है। |
9 | She has lived in the village for ages. | वह गाँव में कई सालों से रह रही है। |
10 | The invention of the wheel is one of the greatest discoveries of all ages. | पहिए का आविष्कार सभी समयों के महानतम आविष्कारों में से एक है। |
More Info About the Word
- Pronunciation in Hindi: आयु
- Word Type: Noun (Plural of “age”)
- Synonyms: Years, periods, eras, spans, lifetimes
- Antonyms: Youth, infancy, childhood