Bench Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, and Usage

Bench: बेंच (Bench)

Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Short)

  • English: A long seat for several people, typically made of wood or metal, often found in parks, courts, or other public places.
  • Hindi: एक लंबी सीट, जो आमतौर पर लकड़ी या धातु से बनी होती है, जो पार्क, कोर्ट या सार्वजनिक स्थानों पर पाई जाती है।

A bench is a long seating platform made from materials like wood, metal, or stone. It is often used in public spaces like parks, gardens, or courts. Benches are designed to accommodate more than one person and are typically placed outdoors for people to sit and rest.

10 Examples of “Bench” (English to Hindi)

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1The children sat on the bench in the park.बच्चे पार्क में बेंच पर बैठे।
2The judge sat on the bench to hear the case.जज ने मामले की सुनवाई के लिए बेंच पर बैठकर फैसला लिया।
3We rested on the wooden bench after the long walk.लंबी सैर के बाद हम लकड़ी की बेंच पर आराम करने बैठे।
4The park has many benches for people to sit.पार्क में लोगों के बैठने के लिए कई बेंच हैं।
5The bench in the classroom was old and worn out.कक्षा में बेंच पुरानी और घिसी हुई थी।
6He placed his bag on the bench beside him.उसने अपना बैग बेंच पर उसके पास रख दिया।
7The bench at the bus stop was very uncomfortable.बस स्टॉप पर बेंच बहुत असुविधाजनक थी।
8She sat on the bench, reading her book quietly.वह बेंच पर बैठी, चुपचाप अपनी किताब पढ़ रही थी।
9The coach stood by the bench during the game.खेल के दौरान कोच बेंच के पास खड़ा था।
10The carpenter built a new bench for the garden.बढ़ई ने बग़ीचे के लिए एक नई बेंच बनाई।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation in Hindi: बेंच (Bench)
  • Word Type: Noun, Verb (to “bench” someone in sports means to place them on the sidelines)
  • Synonyms: Seat, Stool, Pew, Divan
  • Antonyms: Chair, Couch, Armchair
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