Concession Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Usage, and Examples

Concession: रियायत

Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Very Short)
English: A thing that is granted or yielded, especially in response to a demand or request.
Hindi: वह चीज जो किसी मांग या अनुरोध के जवाब में दी जाती है।

Concession refers to the act of granting something or yielding to a demand. It can also refer to a special privilege, discount, or reduction offered by someone in response to a situation or negotiation.

10 Examples of “Concession” (English to Hindi)

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1The company made a concession to reduce the price of the product.कंपनी ने उत्पाद की कीमत कम करने के लिए रियायत दी।
2She asked for a concession on the rent.उसने किराए में रियायत की मांग की।
3The government gave a concession to farmers on taxes.सरकार ने किसानों को करों पर रियायत दी।
4After a long discussion, they agreed to a concession.लंबी चर्चा के बाद, उन्होंने एक रियायत पर सहमति जताई।
5He received a concession for the purchase of a new car.उसे नई कार खरीदने पर रियायत मिली।
6The restaurant offered a concession to students.रेस्तरां ने छात्रों को रियायत दी।
7The company is offering a special concession during the sale.कंपनी बिक्री के दौरान एक विशेष रियायत दे रही है।
8She got a concession on her exam fees.उसे अपनी परीक्षा शुल्क में रियायत मिली।
9The hotel gave a concession on the booking price.होटल ने बुकिंग कीमत पर रियायत दी।
10The teacher made a concession for late submissions.शिक्षक ने देर से प्रस्तुत करने पर रियायत दी।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation: कंसेशन (Kanseshan)
  • Word Type: Noun
  • Synonyms: Discount, Privilege, Reduction, Yielding, Allowance
  • Antonyms: Denial, Refusal, Rejection, Objection
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