Continued Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, and Usage

Continued: जारी

Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Very Short)

  • English: Something that carries on from a previous point or action.
  • Hindi: जो पहले से चल रहा हो या जारी हो।


“Continued” is used to describe something that has been carried forward from an earlier stage or point. It indicates an action or state that persists without interruption. For example, when a meeting is continued from the previous day, it means the discussion resumed from where it left off.

10 Examples of “Continued” (English to Hindi)

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1The meeting was continued the next day.बैठक अगले दिन जारी रखी गई।
2His efforts were continued until he succeeded.उसके प्रयास तब तक जारी रहे जब तक उसने सफलता नहीं प्राप्त की।
3The concert continued for two hours.संगीत कार्यक्रम दो घंटे तक जारी रहा।
4The story continued from where it left off.कहानी वहीं से जारी रही जहां उसने छोड़ी थी।
5The project continued despite the challenges.परियोजना चुनौतियों के बावजूद जारी रही।
6He continued his research on the subject.उसने विषय पर अपना शोध जारी रखा।
7The movie continued after the interval.फिल्म अंतराल के बाद जारी रही।
8They continued the discussion until they found a solution.उन्होंने चर्चा जारी रखी जब तक उन्होंने समाधान नहीं पाया।
9The rain continued throughout the night.बारिश रात भर जारी रही।
10She continued her work after a short break.उसने थोड़ी देर के ब्रेक के बाद अपना काम जारी रखा।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation: कंटीन्यूड
  • Word Type: Adjective/Verb (Past tense of continue)
  • Synonyms: Ongoing, Persistent, Uninterrupted
  • Antonyms: Interrupted, Stopped, Ceased
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