Disagreement Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, and Usage

Disagreement: असहमत होना, मतभेद

Word Meaning in English and Hindi

  • English: Disagreement refers to a situation where two or more people do not share the same opinion or view about something.
  • Hindi: असहमत होना या किसी चीज़ पर अलग-अलग राय रखना।

“Disagreement” is a noun used to describe a lack of agreement or consensus between people. It happens when individuals or groups have different opinions, beliefs, or views on a topic or issue.

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1There was a disagreement about the project’s direction.परियोजना की दिशा को लेकर असहमतियां थीं।
2Their disagreement over the matter escalated quickly.उस मुद्दे पर उनका असहमत होना जल्दी बढ़ गया।
3The disagreement led to a heated argument between them.असहमतता के कारण उनके बीच तीखी बहस हुई।
4We had a disagreement about how to handle the situation.हम स्थिति को संभालने के तरीके को लेकर असहमत थे।
5The disagreement was resolved after a long discussion.लंबे चर्चा के बाद असहमतता का समाधान हुआ।
6There was a serious disagreement among the team members.टीम के सदस्यों के बीच गंभीर असहमतियां थीं।
7His disagreement with the proposal was clear.प्रस्ताव के साथ उनकी असहमतता स्पष्ट थी।
8We had a disagreement about the deadline.हम समय सीमा को लेकर असहमत थे।
9The disagreement between the two leaders was public.दो नेताओं के बीच असहमतियां सार्वजनिक हो गईं।
10Disagreement is natural in any healthy debate.किसी भी स्वस्थ बहस में असहमतियां स्वाभाविक होती हैं।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation: डिसअग्रीमेंट (Dis-ag-ree-ment)
  • Word Type: Noun (संज्ञा)
  • Synonyms: Dispute, Conflict, Difference, Argument, Controversy
  • Antonyms: Agreement, Consensus, Harmony, Unity
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