Disappear Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, and Usage

Disappear: गायब हो जाना

Word Meaning in English and Hindi

  • English: Disappear means to vanish or cease to be visible or present.
  • Hindi: गायब हो जाना या नजर न आना।

“Disappear” is a verb that describes the action of something or someone vanishing, becoming unseen, or ceasing to exist in a visible form. It is often used when referring to things or people that are no longer present.

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1The magician made the rabbit disappear.जादूगर ने खरगोश को गायब कर दिया।
2The sun disappeared behind the clouds.सूरज बादलों के पीछे गायब हो गया।
3His hopes of winning disappeared after the injury.चोट के बाद जीतने की उसकी उम्मीदें गायब हो गईं।
4The footprints in the sand disappeared with the tide.समुंदर की लहरों के साथ रेत में बने पदचिह्न गायब हो गए।
5The thief disappeared into the crowd.चोर भीड़ में गायब हो गया।
6The painting has disappeared from the museum.पेंटिंग संग्रहालय से गायब हो गई है।
7Her phone call disappeared before I could answer it.उसका फोन कॉल जवाब देने से पहले गायब हो गया।
8The money he borrowed disappeared in no time.उसने जो पैसे उधार लिए थे, वो जल्दी ही गायब हो गए।
9The noise disappeared as soon as the wind stopped.जैसे ही हवा रुकी, आवाज गायब हो गई।
10The mystery of the missing person is yet to disappear.गुमशुदा व्यक्ति का रहस्य अभी गायब नहीं हुआ है।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation: डिसएपीयर (Dis-ap-pear)
  • Word Type: Verb (क्रिया)
  • Synonyms: Vanish, Fade, Evaporate, Dissolve, Cease
  • Antonyms: Appear, Emerge, Surface, Manifest
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