Eventually: अंततः (Antatah)
Word Meaning in English and Hindi
English: Eventually means something that happens after a period of time, often after a delay or after many events.
Hindi: अंततः का अर्थ है किसी समय के बाद, आमतौर पर विलंब के बाद या कई घटनाओं के बाद कुछ होना।
“Eventually” refers to something that happens after a delay or over time. It emphasizes the idea that an outcome will happen, but it might take some time to come to fruition. It suggests that the event or action is inevitable after a period of waiting or unfolding circumstances.
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | She will eventually understand the importance of the project. | वह अंततः परियोजना के महत्व को समझेगी। |
2 | Eventually, all problems were solved. | अंततः सभी समस्याएँ हल हो गईं। |
3 | The rain will stop eventually. | बारिश अंततः रुक जाएगी। |
4 | He eventually agreed to our proposal. | उसने अंततः हमारे प्रस्ताव को स्वीकार कर लिया। |
5 | You will eventually find the answer. | आप अंततः उत्तर ढूंढ लेंगे। |
6 | We will eventually reach our destination. | हम अंततः अपनी मंजिल पर पहुँचेंगे। |
7 | Eventually, they decided to move to another city. | अंततः उन्होंने किसी अन्य शहर में जाने का निर्णय लिया। |
8 | After a lot of hard work, he eventually succeeded. | बहुत मेहनत के बाद, वह अंततः सफल हुआ। |
9 | Eventually, the truth will come out. | अंततः सत्य सामने आएगा। |
10 | The situation will improve eventually. | स्थिति अंततः सुधरेगी। |
More Info About the Word
Pronunciation: एवेंटुअली (E-vent-ually)
Word Type: Adverb
Synonyms: Ultimately, Finally, In the end, Sooner or later
Antonyms: Immediately, Instantly, Suddenly