Fascinating Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Synonyms & Examples

Fascinating: आकर्षक (Aakarshak)

Word Meaning in English and Hindi

English: Fascinating refers to something that is extremely interesting or captivating.
Hindi: आकर्षक वह होता है जो अत्यधिक दिलचस्प या मनमोहक हो।

Fascinating is a word used to describe something that grabs your attention, intrigues you, or is so captivating that it holds your focus for a long time. It can refer to people, places, things, or events that are very interesting and pleasing to observe or experience.


S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1The view of the mountains was absolutely fascinating.पहाड़ों का दृश्य बिल्कुल आकर्षक था।
2She has a fascinating personality that draws people in.उसकी एक आकर्षक व्यक्तित्व है जो लोगों को आकर्षित करती है।
3The story was so fascinating that I couldn’t stop reading.कहानी इतनी आकर्षक थी कि मैंने पढ़ना बंद नहीं किया।
4It was a fascinating conversation about space exploration.यह अंतरिक्ष अन्वेषण पर एक आकर्षक बातचीत थी।
5The history of the ancient civilization is fascinating.प्राचीन सभ्यता का इतिहास आकर्षक है।
6His talent for playing the violin is truly fascinating.उसका वायलिन बजाने का कौशल सच में आकर्षक है।
7The documentary on wildlife was fascinating to watch.वन्यजीवों पर डोक्युमेंट्री देखना आकर्षक था।
8The magician’s tricks were absolutely fascinating.जादूगर के करतब बिल्कुल आकर्षक थे।
9The cultural traditions of the village are fascinating.गांव की सांस्कृतिक परंपराएँ आकर्षक हैं।
10The ocean depths are full of fascinating creatures.महासागर की गहराई में आकर्षक जीव होते हैं।

More Info About the Word

Pronunciation: फैसिनेटिंग
Word Type: Adjective
Synonyms: Captivating, intriguing, charming, enchanting
Antonyms: Boring, dull, uninteresting, tedious

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