Fascinating: आकर्षक (Aakarshak)
Word Meaning in English and Hindi
English: Fascinating refers to something that is extremely interesting or captivating.
Hindi: आकर्षक वह होता है जो अत्यधिक दिलचस्प या मनमोहक हो।
Fascinating is a word used to describe something that grabs your attention, intrigues you, or is so captivating that it holds your focus for a long time. It can refer to people, places, things, or events that are very interesting and pleasing to observe or experience.
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | The view of the mountains was absolutely fascinating. | पहाड़ों का दृश्य बिल्कुल आकर्षक था। |
2 | She has a fascinating personality that draws people in. | उसकी एक आकर्षक व्यक्तित्व है जो लोगों को आकर्षित करती है। |
3 | The story was so fascinating that I couldn’t stop reading. | कहानी इतनी आकर्षक थी कि मैंने पढ़ना बंद नहीं किया। |
4 | It was a fascinating conversation about space exploration. | यह अंतरिक्ष अन्वेषण पर एक आकर्षक बातचीत थी। |
5 | The history of the ancient civilization is fascinating. | प्राचीन सभ्यता का इतिहास आकर्षक है। |
6 | His talent for playing the violin is truly fascinating. | उसका वायलिन बजाने का कौशल सच में आकर्षक है। |
7 | The documentary on wildlife was fascinating to watch. | वन्यजीवों पर डोक्युमेंट्री देखना आकर्षक था। |
8 | The magician’s tricks were absolutely fascinating. | जादूगर के करतब बिल्कुल आकर्षक थे। |
9 | The cultural traditions of the village are fascinating. | गांव की सांस्कृतिक परंपराएँ आकर्षक हैं। |
10 | The ocean depths are full of fascinating creatures. | महासागर की गहराई में आकर्षक जीव होते हैं। |
More Info About the Word
Pronunciation: फैसिनेटिंग
Word Type: Adjective
Synonyms: Captivating, intriguing, charming, enchanting
Antonyms: Boring, dull, uninteresting, tedious
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