Fewer Meaning in Hindi | Definition and Usage with Examples

Fewer: कम (Kam)

Word Meaning in English and Hindi
English: Fewer is used to refer to a smaller number of things or people, typically used with countable nouns.
Hindi: “Fewer” का मतलब कम होता है, जो गिनती योग्य संज्ञाओं के साथ उपयोग किया जाता है।

“Fewer” is a comparative form of “few” and is used when talking about a smaller number of things that can be counted, such as objects or people. For example, you can say, “There are fewer books on the table,” meaning the number of books is smaller.


S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1There are fewer apples in the basket.टोकरी में कम सेब हैं।
2He has fewer friends than she does.उसके पास उससे कम दोस्त हैं।
3Fewer people attended the meeting today.आज बैठक में कम लोग आए।
4There were fewer cars on the road yesterday.कल सड़क पर कम कारें थीं।
5I need fewer hours to finish the task.मुझे कार्य समाप्त करने के लिए कम घंटे चाहिए।
6She has fewer problems than I do.उसके पास मुझसे कम समस्याएं हैं।
7Fewer students passed the exam this year.इस साल कम छात्रों ने परीक्षा पास की।
8There are fewer opportunities for growth here.यहां विकास के लिए कम अवसर हैं।
9He has fewer responsibilities now.अब उसकी जिम्मेदारियाँ कम हैं।
10Fewer people visit the park in winter.सर्दियों में पार्क में कम लोग आते हैं।

More Info About the Word

Pronunciation: फ्यूअर
Word Type: Adjective
Synonyms: Lesser, Reduced, Smaller
Antonyms: More, Greater, Larger

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