Four: चार
Word Meaning in English and Hindi
- English: The number that comes after three and before five, representing a quantity of 4.
- Hindi: चार एक संख्या है, जो तीन के बाद और पाँच के पहले आती है, और चार की मात्रा को दर्शाती है।
“Four” is a cardinal number used to denote a quantity of four. It is commonly used in counting and represents one of the basic numbers in mathematics. The number is symbolic in many cultures and is often used in various contexts, from counting objects to expressing ideas.
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | I have four apples. | मेरे पास चार सेब हैं। |
2 | She has four siblings. | उसके चार भाई-बहन हैं। |
3 | We need four chairs for the meeting. | हमें बैठक के लिए चार कुर्सियाँ चाहिए। |
4 | He bought four tickets for the concert. | उसने संगीत कार्यक्रम के लिए चार टिकट खरीदी। |
5 | The class has four students absent today. | आज कक्षा में चार छात्र अनुपस्थित हैं। |
6 | They have four dogs at home. | उनके पास घर में चार कुत्ते हैं। |
7 | There are four seasons in a year. | एक साल में चार ऋतुएँ होती हैं। |
8 | The answer is four. | उत्तर चार है। |
9 | I visited four countries last year. | मैंने पिछले साल चार देशों की यात्रा की। |
10 | She received four awards for her performance. | उसने अपने प्रदर्शन के लिए चार पुरस्कार प्राप्त किए। |
More Info About the Word
- Pronunciation: फोर
- Word Type: Noun, Adjective
- Synonyms: Quadruple, Quartet, Tetra
- Antonyms: One, Single, Unity
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