Cow Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, and Usage

Cow: गाय

Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Very Short)

  • English: A domesticated animal raised for milk, meat, and as a draft animal.
  • Hindi: एक पालतू जानवर जिसे दूध, मांस और खींचने के लिए पाला जाता है।

The word cow refers to a domesticated mammal commonly raised for its milk, which is used for food and other products. It is also a source of meat and often used as a working animal in agricultural tasks. In many cultures, cows are considered sacred or valuable for their various contributions.

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1The cow gives us fresh milk every morning.गाय हमें हर सुबह ताजे दूध देती है।
2Farmers use cows for plowing the fields.किसान खेतों में हल चलाने के लिए गायों का उपयोग करते हैं।
3A cow can live for over 20 years.एक गाय 20 साल से अधिक जी सकती है।
4The cow is considered sacred in many cultures.गाय को कई संस्कृतियों में पवित्र माना जाता है।
5There is a cow in the backyard of their house.उनके घर के आंगन में एक गाय है।
6The cow was grazing in the field.गाय खेत में घास खा रही थी।
7A cow produces milk after giving birth.गाय जन्म देने के बाद दूध देती है।
8The cow and her calf were in the stable.गाय और उसका बछड़ा अस्तबल में थे।
9The farmer fed the cow with hay and grains.किसान ने गाय को घास और अनाज खिलाया।
10We saw a herd of cows grazing near the river.हम नदी के पास गायों के झुंड को घास खाते हुए देख रहे थे।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation: काउ (Kow)
  • Word Type: Noun
  • Synonyms: Bovine, Heifer, Cattle
  • Antonyms: None
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