Cow: गाय
Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Very Short)
- English: A domesticated animal raised for milk, meat, and as a draft animal.
- Hindi: एक पालतू जानवर जिसे दूध, मांस और खींचने के लिए पाला जाता है।
The word cow refers to a domesticated mammal commonly raised for its milk, which is used for food and other products. It is also a source of meat and often used as a working animal in agricultural tasks. In many cultures, cows are considered sacred or valuable for their various contributions.
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | The cow gives us fresh milk every morning. | गाय हमें हर सुबह ताजे दूध देती है। |
2 | Farmers use cows for plowing the fields. | किसान खेतों में हल चलाने के लिए गायों का उपयोग करते हैं। |
3 | A cow can live for over 20 years. | एक गाय 20 साल से अधिक जी सकती है। |
4 | The cow is considered sacred in many cultures. | गाय को कई संस्कृतियों में पवित्र माना जाता है। |
5 | There is a cow in the backyard of their house. | उनके घर के आंगन में एक गाय है। |
6 | The cow was grazing in the field. | गाय खेत में घास खा रही थी। |
7 | A cow produces milk after giving birth. | गाय जन्म देने के बाद दूध देती है। |
8 | The cow and her calf were in the stable. | गाय और उसका बछड़ा अस्तबल में थे। |
9 | The farmer fed the cow with hay and grains. | किसान ने गाय को घास और अनाज खिलाया। |
10 | We saw a herd of cows grazing near the river. | हम नदी के पास गायों के झुंड को घास खाते हुए देख रहे थे। |
More Info About the Word
- Pronunciation: काउ (Kow)
- Word Type: Noun
- Synonyms: Bovine, Heifer, Cattle
- Antonyms: None
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