Crisp Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, and Usage

Crisp: कुरकुरा

Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Very Short)

  • English: Something that is firm, fresh, and makes a sharp sound when broken or bitten.
  • Hindi: कुछ ऐसा जो सख्त, ताजगी से भरा और टूटते या काटते समय तेज आवाज करता हो।

The word crisp refers to something that is firm and makes a snapping or crackling sound when touched, broken, or bitten. It is often used to describe food like chips or fried items, but can also be used to describe other things that have a sharp or fresh quality, like weather or paper. In simple terms, it’s something that is crunchy, fresh, and pleasing to the senses.

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1The chips were fresh and crispy.चिप्स ताजे और कुरकुरे थे।
2He wore a crisp white shirt to the party.उसने पार्टी में एक कुरकुरी सफेद शर्ट पहनी।
3The morning air was crisp and refreshing.सुबह की हवा ताजगी से भरी और कुरकुरी थी।
4I prefer my cookies to be crisp and crunchy.मुझे अपनी कुकीज़ कुरकुरी और क्रंची पसंद आती हैं।
5The crisp sound of the leaves under my feet was soothing.मेरे पैरों के नीचे पत्तों की कुरकुरी आवाज सुखद थी।
6He gave a crisp and clear presentation.उसने एक साफ और स्पष्ट प्रस्तुति दी।
7The paper was crisp and new, perfect for writing.कागज कुरकुरा और नया था, लेखन के लिए बिल्कुल सही।
8The chef served a crisp salad with a tangy dressing.शेफ ने खट्टे ड्रेसिंग के साथ एक कुरकुरी सलाद सर्व की।
9The air in the mountains is always crisp and clean.पहाड़ों में हवा हमेशा कुरकुरी और साफ होती है।
10She gave a crisp response to the question.उसने सवाल का एक संक्षिप्त उत्तर दिया।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation: क्रिस्प (Krisp)
  • Word Type: Adjective
  • Synonyms: Crunchy, Firm, Fresh, Sharp
  • Antonyms: Soft, Soggy, Damp, Limp
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