Deliberate: जानबूझकर
Word Meaning in English and Hindi
- English: “Deliberate” refers to something done intentionally or carefully thought out, rather than by accident or spontaneously.
- Hindi: “Deliberate” का अर्थ है कुछ जानबूझकर या सोच-समझ कर किया गया।
“Deliberate” is often used to describe actions that are done intentionally and after careful thought. It can also describe something slow or done with full awareness and consideration. When someone does something deliberately, they are not acting hastily or carelessly.
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | She made a deliberate decision to leave the company. | उसने कंपनी छोड़ने का जानबूझकर फैसला लिया। |
2 | His actions were deliberate, not accidental. | उसके कृत्य जानबूझकर थे, दुर्घटनावश नहीं। |
3 | The deliberate pace of the meeting annoyed everyone. | बैठक की जानबूझकर धीमी गति ने सभी को परेशान कर दिया। |
4 | They had a deliberate conversation to solve the problem. | उन्होंने समस्या हल करने के लिए सोच-समझ कर बातचीत की। |
5 | He looked at her with a deliberate expression. | उसने उसे जानबूझकर अभिव्यक्ति के साथ देखा। |
6 | The deliberate attack on the city caused much damage. | शहर पर किया गया जानबूझकर हमला बहुत क्षति का कारण बना। |
7 | The delay was deliberate to avoid the rush hour. | देरी जानबूझकर की गई ताकि पीक आवर से बचा जा सके। |
8 | She deliberately ignored the warning signs. | उसने जानबूझकर चेतावनी संकेतों को नजरअंदाज किया। |
9 | The deliberate use of colors made the painting unique. | रंगों का जानबूझकर इस्तेमाल पेंटिंग को अद्वितीय बनाता है। |
10 | He took a deliberate approach to solve the issue. | उसने समस्या को हल करने के लिए सोच-समझकर तरीका अपनाया। |
More Info About the Word
- Pronunciation: डिलीबरेट (Deliberate)
- Word Type: Adjective, Verb
- Synonyms: Intentional, Purposeful, Calculated, Planned
- Antonyms: Accidental, Unintentional, Careless, Hasty
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