Deliberately: जानबूझकर
Word Meaning in English and Hindi
- English: “Deliberately” refers to doing something on purpose, intentionally, or after careful thought.
- Hindi: “Deliberately” का अर्थ है जानबूझकर, सोच-समझकर किया गया कार्य।
“Deliberately” is an adverb used to describe an action done with intention and purpose. When you do something deliberately, you are making a conscious decision and not acting by accident or mistake. It involves careful consideration or planning before taking an action.
S.No | English Sentence | Hindi Translation |
1 | He deliberately chose not to answer the question. | उसने जानबूझकर सवाल का जवाब नहीं दिया। |
2 | She deliberately ignored the rules to prove a point. | उसने जानबूझकर नियमों की अनदेखी की ताकि वह अपना मुद्दा साबित कर सके। |
3 | They deliberately delayed the meeting to avoid the discussion. | उन्होंने जानबूझकर बैठक को स्थगित किया ताकि चर्चा से बच सकें। |
4 | She deliberately made an effort to learn the new language. | उसने जानबूझकर नई भाषा सीखने का प्रयास किया। |
5 | He deliberately avoided talking to her after the argument. | उसने झगड़े के बाद जानबूझकर उससे बात करने से बचा। |
6 | They deliberately built the house with energy-efficient materials. | उन्होंने जानबूझकर घर को ऊर्जा-कुशल सामग्री से बनाया। |
7 | The movie was deliberately slow-paced to build tension. | फिल्म को जानबूझकर धीमी गति से बनाया गया था ताकि तनाव बढ़ सके। |
8 | She deliberately chose the most difficult path. | उसने जानबूझकर सबसे कठिन रास्ता चुना। |
9 | He deliberately took the wrong turn to confuse them. | उसने जानबूझकर गलत मोड़ लिया ताकि वह उन्हें भ्रमित कर सके। |
10 | She deliberately looked away to avoid eye contact. | उसने जानबूझकर अपनी आंखें फेर लीं ताकि आंखों से संपर्क से बच सके। |
More Info About the Word
- Pronunciation: डिलीबरेटली (Deliberately)
- Word Type: Adverb
- Synonyms: Intentionally, On purpose, Purposefully, Calculatedly
- Antonyms: Accidentally, Unintentionally, Unknowingly, Carelessly
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