Although Meaning in Hindi | Definition, Examples, and Usage

Although: यद्यपि (Yadyapi)

Word Meaning in English and Hindi (Short)

  • English: Although means despite the fact that; even though. It introduces a contrast between two ideas.
  • Hindi: Although का मतलब है भले ही या यद्यपि, यह दो विचारों के बीच विरोध को पेश करता है।

The word “although” is used to show contrast between two ideas or statements. It means “even though” or “in spite of the fact that.” For example, “Although it was raining, they went for a walk” means despite the rain, they still went for a walk.

10 Examples of “Although” (English to Hindi)

S.NoEnglish SentenceHindi Translation
1Although he was tired, he continued working.यद्यपि वह थक गया था, वह काम करता रहा।
2Although it was cold, she went outside.यद्यपि ठंड थी, वह बाहर गई।
3Although they won the match, they were unhappy.यद्यपि उन्होंने मैच जीत लिया, वे खुश नहीं थे।
4Although the bus was late, I reached on time.यद्यपि बस देर हो गई, मैं समय पर पहुँच गया।
5Although he speaks English well, he prefers Hindi.यद्यपि वह अच्छा अंग्रेजी बोलता है, वह हिंदी पसंद करता है।
6Although the food was expensive, it was delicious.यद्यपि खाना महंगा था, यह स्वादिष्ट था।
7Although she studies hard, she finds the subject difficult.यद्यपि वह कड़ी मेहनत करती है, उसे विषय कठिन लगता है।
8Although the sky was clear, it started to rain.यद्यपि आसमान साफ था, बारिश शुरू हो गई।
9Although he was sick, he attended the meeting.यद्यपि वह बीमार था, वह बैठक में उपस्थित हुआ।
10Although they had an argument, they reconciled later.यद्यपि उन्होंने झगड़ा किया, वे बाद में सुलह कर गए।

More Info About the Word

  • Pronunciation in Hindi: आल्थो (Although)
  • Word Type: Conjunction
  • Synonyms: Though, even though, despite, whereas
  • Antonyms: Because, since, due to
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